Research Article

The Value of Brain Structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging Combined with APOE--ε4 Genotype in Early Diagnosis and Disease Progression of Senile Vascular Cognitive Impairment No Dementia

Table 3

Comparison of cognitive psychology assessment between the two groups of patients.

FeaturesNC group (n = 50)VCIND group (n = 130)t/zP

Clinical Dementia Rating (CDR)8 (7–9)12 (11–14)8.993≤0.001
Activity of Daily Living Scale (ADL)13 (10–16)13.5 (12–16)1.9240.054
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)19.74 ± 2.9315.89 ± 3.097.589≤0.001
Elderly Cognitive Abilities Screening Instrument (CASI)24 (23–25)17 (15–19)9.783≤0.001
Hamilton Rating Scale For Depression (HAMD)9 (6–10)16 (12–18)8.860≤0.001

Values are mean ± SD or median (P25, P75). NC, normal control; VCIND, vascular cognitive impairment no dementia.