Research Article

Genomic Landscape Reveals Chromosomally-Mediated Antimicrobial Resistome and Virulome of a High-Risk International Clone II Acinetobacter baumannii AB073 from Thailand

Table 1

General genome properties of A. baumannii AB073 and its relative strains.

Strain ID (country)Sources/year of isolation (BioSample)Chromosomal size (accession no.)Number of plasmids/ (clonal complex)No. of CDSsNo. of cgSNP

AB073 (Thailand)Sputum/2013 (SAMN32820072)3,815,554 bp (this study)1 (8,731 bp)2/195 (CC2)3,5850
AB180-VUB (Belgium)Wound/2017 (SAMN25131651)3,918,856 bp (CP091359.1)ND2/195or1816 (CC2)3,65388
2018BJAB2 (China)Bronchial/2018 (SAMN15538706)3,968,880 bp (CP059350.1)1 (78,023 bp)2/195or1816 (CC2)3,728229
Aba (China)Sputum/2016 (SAMN09389171)3,911,735 bp (CP030083.1)1 (8,732 bp)2/195or1816 (CC2)3,640290
ABCR01 (Thailand)Sputum/2019 (SAMN12569102)4,030,371 bp (CP042931.1)ND2/195or1816 (CC2)3,847323
5685 (China)Blood/2016 (SAMN24114662)3,952,283 bp (CP096734.1)ND2/195or1816 (CC2)3,701975
PM1912235 (India)Pus//2019 (SAMN14420246)3,926,441 bp (CP050410.1)1 (8,731 bp)2/195or1816 (CC2)3,6541070

ND, not detected; STpas, MLST Pasteur scheme; SToxf, MLST Oxford scheme; CC, clonal complex. Two copies of gdhB were detected by in silico determination based on the MLST Oxford scheme. Number of core-genome SNPs compared to AB073. Clonal complex 2.