Research Article

Functional Analysis of DNMT1 SNPs (rs2228611 and rs2114724) Associated with Schizophrenia

Table 2

Proportion of T/T homozygotes for rs2114724 among male and female patients.

GenotypeMalesFemalesChi-square analysis

T/T52 (41) [2.95]22 (33) [3.67]Total χ2 = 12.22; degrees of freedom = 2; value = 0.002
C/T71 (70) [0.01]54 (55) [0.02]
C/C47 (59) [2.44]58 (46) [3.13]

Individual χ2 values obtained using a 2 × 3 contingency are shown in square brackets. The expected number of males and females is given in parentheses.