Research Article

Bioinformatics Analysis Identifies TNFRSF1A as a Biomarker of Liver Injury in Sepsis TNFRSF1A is a Biomarker for Septic Liver Injury

Table 1

Description of the eight hub genes among the 21 overlapping genes in GSE60088, GSE23767, and GSE71530 datasets.

NoGene symbolFull nameFunction

1OSMROncostatin M receptorBinds IL31 to activate STAT3 and possibly STAT1 and STAT5
2TNFRSF1ATumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 1aReceptor for TNFSF2/TNF-alpha and homotrimeric TNFSF1/lymphotoxin-alpha
3ICAM1Intercellular adhesion molecule 1ICAM proteins are ligands for the leukocyte adhesion protein LFA-1
4STAT3Signal transducer and activator of transcription 3Transcription factor that binds to the IL-6 responsive elements identified in the promoters of various acute-phase protein genes
5CXCL1Chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligand 1Has chemotactic activity for neutrophils. Contributes to neutrophil activation during inflammation
6NFKBIZNuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B cells inhibitor, zetaInhibits NF-kappa-B activity without affecting its nuclear translocation upon stimulation. It is recruited to IL-6 promoters and activates IL-6 but decreases TNF-alpha production in response to LPS
7LITAFLPS-induced TN factorMay regulate through NFKB1 the expression of the CCL2/MCP-1 chemokine. May play a role in tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-alpha) gene expression
8SAA2Serum amyloid A 2Major acute phase reactant. Apolipoprotein of the HDL complex