Research Article

ASPM, CDC20, DLGAP5, BUB1B, CDCA8, and NCAPG May Serve as Diagnostic and Prognostic Biomarkers in Endometrial Carcinoma

Figure 1

Identification of DEGs (a) Volcano plots and heatmaps of DEGs in the GSE17025 dataset. (b) Volcano plots and heatmaps of DEGs in the GSE63678 dataset. (c) Volcano plots and heatmaps of DEGs in the TCGA-UCEC dataset. (d) co-up-regulated DEGs in the GSE63678, GSE17025, and TCGA-UCEC datasets by the Venn diagram tool. (e) co-down-regulated DEGs in the GSE63678, GSE17025, and TCGA-UCEC datasets by the Venn diagram tool. DEGs, differentially expressed genes.