Research Article

Analysis of the APOB Gene and Apolipoprotein B Serum Levels in a Mexican Population with Acute Coronary Syndrome: Association with the Single Nucleotide Variants rs1469513, rs673548, rs676210, and rs1042034

Table 1

Clinical and demographic characteristics.

Demographic dataCG n (%)ACSG n (%)

Age (mean)57.7664.25<0.0001
Female130 (43)71 (24)<0.0001
Male170 (57)229 (76)<0.0001
UA31 (10)
NSTEMI19.7 (30)
STEMI210 (70)—-
Reinfarction51 (17)
Risk factor
 High blood pressure104 (34.7)210 (70)<0.001
 Dyslipidemia61 (20.3)136 (45.6)<0.001
 T2DM68 (22.7)160 (53.3)<0.001
 Smoking62 (20.7)144 (48.3)<0.001
 Overweight (kg/m2)71 (23.7)112 (37.3)0.003
 Obesity (kg/m2)49 (16.3)92 (30.7)<0.001
 Sedentary lifestyle69 (23)165 (55.4)<0.001
Drug consumption
 Antilipemic266 (89)

CG (control group), ACSG (acute coronary syndrome group), T2DM2 (type 2 diabetes mellitus). value of the Mann–Whitney test.