Research Article

Analysis of the APOB Gene and Apolipoprotein B Serum Levels in a Mexican Population with Acute Coronary Syndrome: Association with the Single Nucleotide Variants rs1469513, rs673548, rs676210, and rs1042034

Table 5

Haplotype analysis of the rs1469513, rs673548, rs676210, and rs1042034 in the APOB gene in CG and ACSG.

HaplotypeCG n (%)ACSG n (%)OR CI (95%)

CGAC212 (35.4)172 (28.6)
TGAC174 (28.9)188 (31.3)1.33 (0.99–1.77)0.051
TAGT72 (12.1)125 (20.8)2.14 (1.50–3.04)<0.001

CG (control group), ACSG (acute coronary syndrome group), CI (confidence interval), OR (odds ratio). Haplotype with frequency lower than 5% is not shown. Haplotype is represented by rs1469513, rs673548, rs676210, and rs1042034.