Research Article

Quantitative Expression of SFN, lncRNA CCDC18-AS1, and lncRNA LINC01343 in Human Breast Cancer as the Regulator Biomarkers in a Novel ceRNA Network: Based on Bioinformatics and Experimental Analyses

Figure 2

Analysis of DEGs in dataset GSE71053 using R software (a, b, c). (a) The heatmap figure represents the correlation between the two groups normal and BC in 54675 DEGs; (b) principal component analysis (PCA) between healthy and BC tissues based on the GSE71053 dataset. (c) Volcano plot of DEGs in the GSE71053 dataset. SFN is showed by a black dot in the graph. X-axis represents log2 fold change (FC) and Y-axis represents −log10 (adjusted value). Red dots depict the low expression of genes (n = 8711), and green dots indicate the high expression of genes (n = 8712) in the GSE71053 database.