Research Article

Assessment of Combined Karyotype Analysis and Chromosome Microarray Analysis in Prenatal Diagnosis: A Cohort Study of 3710 Pregnancies

Table 3

Characteristics of prenatal samples with a normal karyotype and an abnormal CMA.

CasesCharacteristicsKaryotype resultsCMA results

13Single umbilical artery, strong echo of left heart, fetal intrauterine growth restriction46, XXMosaicism for trisomy 2
2Noninvasive DNA suggested high risk of trisomy 1546, XYMosaicism for trisomy 15
3Short long bones, separation of left kidney and renal pelvis, dilation of ureter, gallbladder not shown, trisomy 246, XXMosaicism for trisomy 2
4≥35 years old, NT > 95th46, XXMosaicism for trisomy 14