Research Article

An Integrative Multi-Omics Analysis Based on Nomogram for Predicting Prostate Cancer Bone Metastasis Incidence

Figure 5

Bone metastasis-related gene module identification. (a) A dendrogram generated via the clustering of dissimilarity based on consensus topological overlap with corresponding modules being shown based on the colored rows corresponding to modules containing genes that were highly connected with one another. (b) Blue module co-expression network, with the hub gene in the network center. (c) GO analysis of genes in the blue module. (d) KEGG analysis of genes in the blue module. (e) Turquoise module co-expression network, with the hub gene in the network center. (f) GO analysis of genes in the turquoise module. (g) KEGG analysis of genes in the turquoise module. (h) Brown module co-expression network, with the hub gene in the network center. (i) GO analysis of genes in the brown module. (j) KEGG analysis of genes in the brown module.