Research Article

The Bioinformatical Identification of Potential Biomarkers in Heart Failure Diagnosis and Treatment

Figure 3

GSEA analysis of pathways related with HF based on dataset GSE5406. The gene sets of (a) Resting vs act cd4 tcell up, (b) Hoft cd4 positive alpha beta memory t cell bcg vaccine age 18–45 yo id 7 dy top 100 deg ex vivo up, (c) Sobolev t cell pandemrix age 18–64 yo 7 dy dn, (d) Nakaya pbmc fluad male age 14–27 yo 1 d postboost vs 0 d preimm mf59 adjuvanted 1 dy genes in btm m40 and m53 dn, and (e) Sobolev t cell pandemrix age 18 64 yo 1 dy up.