Review Article

Multiple Roles of SIRT2 in Regulating Physiological and Pathological Signal Transduction

Figure 2

SIRT2 is involved in glucose metabolism. SIRT2 promotes gluconeogenesis by deacetylating FOXO1 and PEPCK. SIRT2 can promote glycolysis by interacting with glycolytic enzymes. SIRT2 can promote insulin secretion through the Akt/GSK-3β/β-catenin pathway. SIRT2 can also regulate glucose metabolism through the insulin-PI3K-AKT-metabolism pathway. AMPK can phosphorylate and activate SIRT2 and enhance the interaction between SIRT2 and AKT. In addition, SIRT2 can activate AKT and PDK1 through deacetylation, thereby promoting glycolysis and inhibiting gluconeogenesis.