Research Article

Associations between Extracellular Matrix Protein 1 Gene Polymorphism and Progression of Liver Disease

Table 2

Baseline characteristics of 954 study subjects.

GroupHealthy control n = 298Chronic HBV infection patient -valuec
Non-HCCHBV-related HCC
n = 370 -valuean = 286 -valueb

Male, n (%)246 (82.6)295 (79.7)0.3734245 (85.7)0.31121.0000
Age, M (P25, P75)50 (45,55)49 (42,55)0.088550 (46,56)0.52140.4585

 Ever, n (%)112 (37.6)128 (34.6)144 (50.3)
 Never, n (%)186 (62.4)242 (65.4)142 (49.7)

 Ever, n (%)121 (40.6)122 (33.0)119 (41.6)
 Never, n (%)177 (59.4)248 (67.0)167 (58.4)

-valuea,b,c represents the non-HCC, HCC, and chronic HBV patients compared to the healthy controls. The rank-sum test or χ2 test was used to evaluate continuous numeric variables and grouping variables in demographic data among the groups. HBV, hepatitis B virus; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma.