Research Article

Orthodenticle Homeobox OTX1 Promotes Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma Progression and Is a Potential Prognostic Biomarker

Figure 3

Effects of OTX1 silencing on cell growth and tumor progression in papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC). (a, b) Cell viability assays revealed a significant reduction in cell growth following OTX1 silencing in both BCPAP and TPC1 PTC cell lines. (c, d) In vivo xenograft experiments using nude mice demonstrated slower subcutaneous tumor growth upon OTX1 silencing, with tumors generated from BCPAP and TPC1 cell lines, respectively. (e, f) Analysis of excised xenografts showed a notable decrease in tumor weight in the OTX1-shRNA group compared to that in the scrambled-shRNA group. These findings provide compelling evidence for the crucial role of OTX1 in promoting cell growth and tumor progression in PTC, supporting its potential as a therapeutic target. The error bars represent the standard deviation. Student’s t-test was conducted, and statistical significance was denoted as .