Research Article

CSRP1 Promotes Colon Adenocarcinoma Growth and Serves as an Independent Risk Biomarker for Worse Prognosis

Figure 4

CSRP1-knockdown attenuates COAD progression both in vitro and in vivo. (a), (b) The shRNAs targeting CSRP1 and scrambled control shRNA were transfected into caco-2 and HT-29 cells, respectively. The knockdown efficiency was tested via western blot. (c), (d) CCK-8 assay was conducted to evaluate the proliferation curve of transfected cells. (e), (f) Transwell assay was conducted to assess the migration capacity of transfected cells. (g), (h) The xenografts originated from different transfected cell lines were weighted and compared after culturing for one month.