Research Article

Genome-Wide Comprehensive Identification and In Silico Characterization of Lectin Receptor-Like Kinase Gene Family in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Figure 11

The distribution of cis-regulatory elements in the promoter region of the identified G-type, C-type, and L-type HvLecRLK genes. (a) The distribution of cis-regulatory elements in the HvlecRLK promoter region is illustrated as a heatmap. The names of each HvlecRLK gene are displayed on the left side of the heatmap. The green, orange, red, and blue colors represent CAREs of corresponding HvLecRLKs such as light responsiveness (LR), tissue-specific (TS), phytohormone responsiveness (HR), and stress responsiveness (SR), respectively. The percentage (%) ratio of the numerous cis-elements from each category is presented in pie charts: (b) light-responsive; (c) tissue-specific; (d) phytohormones-responsive; (e) stress-responsive. (f) The percentage (%) of HvlecRLK genes involved in four categories of cis-elements.