Research Article

Genome-Wide Comprehensive Identification and In Silico Characterization of Lectin Receptor-Like Kinase Gene Family in Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.)

Figure 9

A heatmap represents the subcellular localization of barley HvlecRLK protein. Subcellular localizations for the G-type, C-type, and L-type HvlecRLK proteins are shown in the heatmap. The names of each HvlecRLK protein are displayed on the left side of the heatmap, with the terms of the respective cellular organelles displayed at the bottom. The color intensity on the right side of the heatmap shows the presence of protein signals associated with the genes. In this study, reported proteins were analyzed in the plasma membrane, extracellular region, chloroplast, nucleus, mitochondria, and cytoplasmic region.