Research Article

Social Media: The New Frontier for Human Resource Management in Asia

Table 1

Cluster and concepts.

ClusterColourConceptsLinksTotal link strengthOccurrences

1The banking sector, digital age, e-recruitment, empirical investigation of employee retention, employer branding, employment, Saudi Arabia, social media usage, and talent management.343843
2Benefit, bibliometric analysis, blockchain, blockchain technology, empirical evidence, future, organization, recruitment, systematic literature review, Taiwan.424558
3Case study, environment, Hong Kong, Indonesia, resilience, systematic review, Training, UAE.252639
4Empirical study, identification, machine learning, predictor, social capital, social media, survey, talent acquisition.323245
5Consumer, digital marketing, economy, Facebook, job, purchase intention, tool.262631
6Comparative study, e-HRM, HRM, Jordan, organizational performance, retention, talent management practice.151524
7Electronic word, employer attractiveness, evaluation, exploratory study, perception, recruitment process, workplace.171731
8Community, employer, scoping review, success, tourism, world.181829
9Analytic, cloud, human resource management practice, insight, literature review, PLS-SEM.212336
10China, communication, Internet, society.141421
11Integration, overview, technology acceptance model, university student.8815