Research Article

Elaboration and Biocompatibility of an Eggshell-Derived Hydroxyapatite Material Modified with Si/PLGA for Bone Regeneration in Dentistry

Figure 4

Structure and evaluation of the biocompatibility of the HAp/Si/PLGA material obtained, and its comparison with two of the control materials: HAp/PLGA and PLGA. Figure (e) Bar chart (ImageJ program) showing the viability percentage of the experimental material compared to the control materials. The highest percentage of live cells is observed in the PLGA (control, (a), and the HAp/Si/PLGA (b) (experimental) with a percentage of 96%, and the lowest percentage was presented by the HAp/PLGA (d) (control) with a percentage of 86%. The BB/PLGA shows a percentage of 90%.