Research Article

Desquamated Epithelial Cells of Unstimulated Human Whole Saliva Express Both EGF Transcript and Protein

Figure 2

Immunocytochemistry reveals EGF immunoreactivity in DOECs. (a–e) Cells were transferred to microscope slides using the cytospin technique and fixed. The same cells were double stained for nuclei using the nuclear marker DAPI (a, d) and for EGF immunoreactivity (b, e). Overlay of DAPI stain and EGF immunoreactivity is shown in panel (c). For negative controls, the primary EGF antibody was omitted (d, e). The bar in panel (c) represents 100 μm for all panels. Each sample was analyzed in duplicate or triplicate. EGF immunoreactivity was assessed in cells isolated from one of the four volunteers included in the study. Pictures were obtained using an Olympus BX60 fluorescence microscope equipped with a digital camera and appropriate filter settings.