Research Article

Histomorphometric Evaluation of New Bone Formation, Dimensional Changes, and Residual Particles in Alveolar Ridge Preservation Techniques Using InterOss® Anorganic Cancellous Bone Graft: A Longitudinal Study

Figure 7

Healing at 6 months, (a) 10x magnification, H&E stain, presence of trabeculae (yellow arrows) of variable thickness, fibrous stroma, () intertrabecular lines of fusion between two residual particles. (b) 40x magnification, H&E stain, spicules, and own trabeculated bone with the presence of osteocytes (black arrow) as well as residual particles (yellow arrow) eosinophilic character with less density and lacking osteocytes. (c) 10x magnification, Masson’s trichrome stain, grafted bone immersed in a collagenized fibrous matrix, presence of blood vessel (yellow arrow), and own reactive bone (black arrow). (d) 4x magnification, panoramic view (visualization of both components), Masson’s trichrome stain, presence of residual particles (yellow arrow), and own reactive bone (black arrow).