Research Article

Histomorphometric Evaluation of New Bone Formation, Dimensional Changes, and Residual Particles in Alveolar Ridge Preservation Techniques Using InterOss® Anorganic Cancellous Bone Graft: A Longitudinal Study

Figure 8

Healing at 6 months, (a) 20x magnification, immunohistochemistry CD34 monoclonal antibody, and endothelial cells lining intertrabecular stromal vessels (black arrows). (b) 20x magnification, immunohistochemistry CD34 monoclonal antibody, endothelial cell lining intertrabecular stromal vessels (black arrows), and vessel proliferation. (c) 10x magnification, reticular stain, and reticular fiber condensation (black arrows). (d) 20x magnification, reticulum stain, and reticular fiber condensation (black arrows).