Research Article

Antibacterial and Antioxidant Activity of Ecoenzyme Solution Prepared from Papaya, Pineapple, and Kasturi Orange Fruits: Experimental and Molecular Docking Studies

Table 8

The docking results of the complex of S. aureus DNA gyrase subunit A and the ligands.

CompoundsBFE (kcal/Mol)Cavity volume (Å3)Contact residues

Rosmarinic acid-7.7967ARG92, GLN95, PHE97, SER98, TYR99, GLY111, SER112, MET113, GLY115, ASP116, ASN170, PRO219, THR220, ILE264, PRO265, PHE266, GLN267, VAL268, ASN269, LYS270
Caffeic acid-5.9967ARG92, GLN95, PHE97, SER98, SER112, MET113, ASP114, GLY115, THR220, ILE264, PRO265, PHE266, GLN267, VAL268, ASN269, LYS270
Hesperidin-10.1967GLY41, LEU42, LYS43, HIS46, GLU88, VAL91, ARG92, GLN95, PHE97, SER98, TYR99, PHE110, GLY111, SER112, MET113, ASP114, GLY115, ASP116, GLY117, ASN170, GLY171, ALA172, SER173, THR220, ILE264, PRO265, PHE266, GLN267, VAL268, ASN269, LYS270
Ciprofloxacin-8.0967LYS43, HIS46, ARG92, GLN95, PHE97, SER98, TYR9,9 SER112, MET113, ASP114, GLY115, SER173, THR220, PHE266, GLN267, VAL268, ASN269, LYS270