Research Article

Betalain-Enriched Beetroots Exhibit Antiulcer and Anti-inflammatory Potentials

Figure 3

C100 and C400: gastric mucosa of normal rat without mucosa injury, ulceration, and inflammation. U100 and U400: gastric mucosa is ulcerated and covered by fibrin neutrophils (HE ×100 and HE ×400, respectively). Ompz100 and Ompz400: gastric ulcerated rats treated with Ompz: gastric necrosis of the mucosa and infiltrate rich in neutrophils (HE ×100 and HE ×400, respectively). BRB100 and BRB400: gastric ulcerated rats treated with BRB at dose 0.8 g/kg: gastric wall without microscopic lesion (HE ×100 and HE ×400, respectively).