Research Article

Jackfruit Seed as a Natural Source for Protein and Mineral Enrichment of Yogurt

Table 4

Proximate composition and physicochemical parameters of prepared yogurt.

S1S2S3S4S5 (control)

Protein (%)abcde
Moisture (%)dcbcaba
Ash (%)aaaab
Fat (%)aaaaa
Carbohydrate (%)ddcba
TSS (%)abcdd
Energy (Kcal/100 g)abcde

deviation values; different lower-case letters denote a significant difference between the columns at a 5% level. Here, S1 = 8% protein+mineral; S2 = 6% protein+mineral; S3 = 4% protein+mineral; S4 = 2% protein+mineral; S5 = control yogurt, no added protein and mineral.