Research Article

Fatty Acid and Sterol Profiles of Commonly Available Street Foods in Sri Lanka: Comparison to Other Countries in the Asian Region

Table 4

(a) Fatty acid composition, quantity (mg/g), and fatty acid ratios of selected ready-to-eat street foods of Sri Lanka. (b) Trans fatty acid (TFAs) composition and content (mg/g) and total trans fatty acid contents of ready-to-eat street foods of Sri Lanka

Fatty acidFried riceRice & curryKoththuRollsPastryDhal vadaUludu vada

C 6:0ND0.03 ± 0.010.11 ± 0.08NDNDNDND
C 8:0
C 10:0
C 12:0
C 14:0
C 15:0
C 16:0
C 17:0
C 18:0
C 20:0
C 22:0
C 23:0NDNDND0.01 ± 0.00NDNDND
C 24:0
Total SFA
C 14:1NDND
C 16:1
C 17:1NDND
C 18:1n-9
C 18:1n-11
C 20:1n-9
C 22:1n-9NDNDND
C24:1 n-9NDND
Total MUFA
C 18:2 n-6
C 18:3 n-6
C 18:3 n-3
C 20:2 n-6
C 20:3 n-6ND
C 20:4 n-6NDNDND
C 22:2 n-6NDNDNDND
C 20:5 n-3
C 22:4 n-6NDNDNDND
C 22:5 n-6ND
C 22:5 n-3NDNDND
C 22:6 n-3ND
Total PUFA0
Fatty acid ratios; means
n6-PUFA: n3-PUFA27342419212618

The content of each fatty acid is expressed as for each food type. SFA: saturated fatty acids; MUFA: monounsaturated fatty acids; PUFA: polyunsaturated fatty acids. ND: not detected; limit of determination: 0.01 mg/g.

TFAMean TFA content (mg/g)
Fried riceRice & curryKoththuRollsPastryDhal vadaUludu vada

C 14:1tNDND0.020.01NDNDND
C 17:1n-8t0.01NDND0.010.02NDND
C 18:1n-9t0.
C 18:2n-6t,9tNDNDND0.01NDNDND
C18:2n-6c, 9t0.
C18:3n-3t, 6t, 9t0.02ND0.
C 18:3n-3t, 6t, 9t0.02NDND0.
C 22:1t0.01ND0.02NDNDNDND
Total TFA (mg/g)0.360.190.360.600.960.860.70
Total TFA (g/100 g)
Total TFA (% total fatty acids)0.570.230.040.550.430.750.65

ND: not detected; limit of determination: 0.01 mg/g; t: trans isomers; c: cis isomer.