Research Article

Development of Drying Methodology for Intact Whole Buffalo Liver, Its Characterization, Shelf Life, and Evaluation of Palatability as Pet Treat

Table 1

Proximate composition and physicochemical parameters of fresh (FL) and dried buffalo liver. T2L refers to the buffalo liver dried by surface slicing, piercing, pretreatment, microwaving, and hot air drying. T1L denotes buffalo liver dried in the same way as T2L except without surface slicing and piercing. CL refers to buffalo liver dried simply by hot air drying.

Parameters/liver samplesFLCLT1LT2L

Moisture (%)abc
Crude fat (%)baa
Crude protein (%)cba
Ash (%)cba
Total carbohydrates (%)baa
Gross energy (kcal/kg)cba
Hydroxyproline (%)cba
Collagen (%)cba
Shear force (kg/cm2)cba
Water activityabc
Weight loss (%)NAcba
Shrinkage (%)NAcba
Rehydration ratioNAcab

; ; mean values between columns with different superscripts (a, b, and c) are significantly different (). NA refers to not applicable.