
Corrigendum to “Hydrogen-Rich Saline Attenuates Cardiac and Hepatic Injury in Doxorubicin Rat Model by Inhibiting Inflammation and Apoptosis”

Figure 1

Effects of hydrogen-rich saline treatment on mortality, cardiac dysfunction, and pathological changes. Kaplan-Meier analyses of cumulative survival at 30 days after different treatments (a). The IVSd, LVDd, LVPWd, LVDs, EF, and FS of each rat were assessed (b, c). Morphologic changes of the heart (200x magnification (d, e, f)) and liver (400x magnification (g, h, i)) were processed for HE staining at 30 days (short arrows for infiltrated inflammatory cells and long arrows for focal myolysis; yellow arrowheads for karyopyknosis and black arrowheads for vacuolar degeneration). versus NS group; versus NS group; # versus DOX group.