Research Article

Increased Abundance of Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells and Interferon-Alpha Induces Plasma Cell Differentiation in Patients of IgA Nephropathy

Figure 5

IFN-α promote the differentiation of plasma cells from PBMCs ex vivo. PBMCs of different healthy donors () were prepared by ficoll-paque density centrifugation and cultured with or without IFN-α (2000 IU/ml) plus anti-IgM antibody for 6 days, followed by surface markers labeling and analysis in flow cytometry. (a) The percentage of CD19+ cells in PBMCs after IFN-α treatment for 6 days. (b) The percentage of plasma cells in PBMCs after IFN-α treatment for 6 days. (c) IgA1 secretion from PBMCs after IFN-α treatment for 6 days.