Research Article

High-Fat Diet and Alcohol Intake Promotes Inflammation and Impairs Skin Wound Healing in Wistar Rats

Figure 6

Effects of alcohol and high-fat diet on TBARS (a) and protein carbonyls (PCN) (b) in skin wounds from Wistar. C1 = control 1—water via gavage and standard chow diet; C2 = control 2—water (no gavage) and standard chow diet; AL = alcohol—water (no gavage), alcohol (40%) via gavage and standard chow diet; HF = high-fat—water (no gavage) and high-fat diet (50%); HF + AL = alcohol/high-fat—water (no gavage), alcohol (40%) via gavage and high-fat diet. F0 = intact tissue; F1, F2, and F3 = scar tissue after 7, 14, and 21 days, respectively. indicates statistical differences versus C1 and C2 and HF; # indicates statistical differences versus C1, C2, HF, and AL; § indicates statistical difference versus C1, C2, HF, and HF + AL.