Research Article

The Process of Acclimation to Chronic Hypoxia Leads to Submandibular Gland and Periodontal Alterations: An Insight on the Role of Inflammatory Mediators

Table 1

Hematocrit and morphometrical measurements. Body weight (g), SMG weight (mg), and hematocrit (%) in control (C), chronic intermittent hypoxia- (CIH-), and chronic continuous hypoxia- (CCH-) exposed animals. Results are expressed as . Statistics: , .


Body weight (g)357.20 ± 31.33a320.41 ± 21.41a337.08 ± 17.60a
SMG weight (mg)218.16 ± 16.40a198.20 ± 10.86a192.87 ± 21.17a
Hematocrit (%)53.10 ± 4.18a61.09 ± 5.74b68.52 ± 5.03c