Research Article

TRAIL and Ceruloplasmin Inverse Correlation as a Representative Crosstalk between Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Figure 1

Role of inflammation in the correlation between TRAIL and ceruloplasmin. In (a), PBMC cultures were exposed to TNF-α (50 ng/ml) alone or in combination with recombinant human TRAIL (used at the indicated concentrations) for 24 hours and analyzed for ceruloplasmin mRNA levels by quantitative RT-PCR. Data are reported as means ± SD of results obtained in total PBMCs expressed as fold of induction with respect to untreated cultures (set to 1). with respect to TNF-α-treated cultures. In (b)-(d), inverse correlation between TRAIL and ceruloplasmin circulating levels in the whole sample. Scatter plot shows the relationship between the serum levels of TRAIL and ceruloplasmin after division of the whole population in two groups according to the hs-CRP median value (hs-CRP: 5.1 nmol/l), red square data points = samples with high hs-CRP levels (>5.1 nmol/l) and full black circle data points = samples with low hs-CRP levels (≤5.1 nmol/l) (b). Single scatter plots and regression equations of the correlation between TRAIL and ceruloplasmin levels within the low hs-CRP and high hs-CRP groups (c and d, resp.).