Research Article

Calprotectin and Calgranulin C as Biomarkers of Pancreatic Tumors: Baseline Levels and Level Changes after Surgery

Table 4

AUCs, cutoff values, sensitivities, and specificities of the biomarkers for the prediction of surgical complications.


Day 1
Calprotectin (ng/mL)0.63246177.250.50000.7297
Calgranulin C (ng/mL)0.607297.660.43330.8378
WBC count ()0.526812.050.68330.4595
CRP (mg/L)0.5747129.650.77550.4118
AMS (μkat/L)0.82407.670.68420.8621

Day 3
Calprotectin (ng/mL)0.77809987.500.70490.8108
Calgranulin C (ng/mL)0.7873182.120.62300.8649
WBC count ()0.664510.720.57630.7297
CRP (mg/L)0.7151206.300.86210.5676
AMS (μkat/L)0.84293.770.89740.6571

Day 5
Calprotectin (ng/mL)0.770711049.50.70000.8108
Calgranulin C (ng/mL)0.7423254.800.75000.7297
WBC count ()0.628913.810.93220.2941
CRP (mg/L)0.763876.300.69640.7879
AMS (μkat/L)0.81710.620.76320.7742

Day 7
Calprotectin (ng/mL)0.816311693.250.70370.7838
Calgranulin C (ng/mL)0.7815297.500.81480.6757
WBC count ()0.669414.980.93480.3824
CRP (mg/L)0.721651.700.61360.8125
AMS (μkat/L)0.88520.940.81820.9474

AUC: area under the ROC curve; WBC: white blood cell; CRP: C-reactive protein; AMS: amylase.