Research Article

Enhanced Activity by NKCC1 and Slc26a6 Mediates Acidic pH and Cl Movement after Cardioplegia-Induced Arrest of db/db Diabetic Heart

Figure 4

Increased expression of Slc26a6 in db/db cardiac tissue. (a) Protein expression of Slc26a6 and CA IV in cardiac tissues of WT and db/db mice. (b) Analysis of band intensity of mature Slc26a6 and CA IV in LV. β-Actin was used as the loading control. Bars present the (, ). (c) Immunolocalization of Slc26a6 (red), intercalated disc marker ZO-1 (green), and nucleus (DAPI, blue) in cardiac tissues of WT and db/db mice. The scale bars represent 20 μm. (d) Analysis of normalized intensity (total intensity/measuring area) of Slc26a6. Bars present the (, ).