Research Article

Paneth Cell Ablation Aggravates Pancreatic and Intestinal Injuries in a Rat Model of Acute Necrotizing Pancreatitis after Normal and High-Fat Diet

Figure 9

Effects of dithizone on microbiota composition in rats on high-fat diet followed by retrograde sodium taurocholate infusion. (a) Bacterial phyla and genera with significantly different abundance in rats treated with dithizone or saline. , , , Wilcoxon test. (b) Heatmap showing correlation among SCFAs, lysozyme, intestinal barrier dysfunction, serum lipid, pathological changes, and gut microflora. Blue indicates a negative correlation, while red indicates a positive correlation. , , . Spearman test. (c) LEfSe multilevel species hierarchy tree and LEfSe bars discriminated by LDA. for each group.