Research Article

Increased Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Human Gestational Tissues from Pregnancies Complicated by Acute Chorioamnionitis

Figure 4

The levels of sEH protein and mRNA in villous tissues from normal pregnant women and women with pregnancies complicated by acute CAM. Compared with normal pregnant women, those with acute CAM showed significantly higher levels of sEH protein (a, b) and mRNA (c) in villous homogenates. (a) Representative blots showing the expression of sEH between normal pregnant women and those with acute CAM. Lanes 1-4, villous tissue homogenates from 4 women with normal pregnancy; lanes 5-8, homogenates from 4 women with pregnancies complicated by acute CAM. β-Actin was used to normalize loading variability. Molecular weight markers are shown at the left side of the blots. (b) Data are presented as and value is based on Student’s -test. (c) Horizontal bars represent the median values and value is based on the Mann-Whitney -test. A total of 10 women with normal pregnancy and 10 women with pregnancies complicated by acute CAM were examined.