Research Article

Increased Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase in Human Gestational Tissues from Pregnancies Complicated by Acute Chorioamnionitis

Table 1

Characteristics of the study population.

VariableNormal pregnancy ()Chorioamnionitis ()

Age (y)35 (34-39)36 (31-39)0.56
Primiparity9 (45%)12 (75%)0.07
Pregestational body mass index (kg/m2)0.94
Gestational weight gain (kg)0.20
Systolic blood pressure (mm hg)0.11
Diastolic blood pressure (mm hg)0.67
Gestational age (wk)0.41
Birth weight (g)0.51
Placental weight (g)0.27
Maternal temperature (°C)<0.001
Fetal baseline heart rate (bpm)135 (130-145)165 (160-175)<0.001
White blood cell count (103/μL)7.6 (6.7-9.2)17.3 (14.7-19.0)<0.001
Segmented neutrophil (%)73 (69-78)88 (84-90)<0.001
Hemoglobin (g/dL)0.31
Platelet count (103/μL)221 (171-252)222 (181-276)0.56
C-reactive protein level (mg/dL)13.0 (5.3-33.0)NA
Microorganisms in amniotic fluid7 (44%)NA
01 (6%)NA
01 (6%)NA
Male fetus12 (60%)10 (63%)0.88

Data presented as median (interquartile ranges), number (percentage), and deviation. values based on the test, the Mann-Whitney -test, or Student’s -test as appropriate. NA, not applicable for analysis.