Research Article

Cytokine/Chemokine/Growth Factor Profiles Contribute to Understanding the Pathogenesis of the Salivary Gland Dysfunction in Euthyroid Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Patients

Table 2

Clinical characteristics of the participants of the study (HT: Hashimoto patients; BMI: body mass index; TSH: thyroid-stimulating hormone; TPO-Ab: thyroid peroxidase antibody; TG-Ab: thyroid peroxidase antibody; SSA/Ro-Ab: anti-Sjögren’s syndrome type A antibody; SSB/La-Ab: anti-Sjögren’s syndrome type B antibody; HOMA-IR: homeostatic model assessment index; TG: triglyceride; NO: nitric oxide; UWS: unstimulated whole saliva; ND: not detectable; NS: statistically insignificant).

Control, (min-max)HT, (min-max)

Age (years)34.3 (27.2–42)34.5 (27.8–41.5)NS
BMI (kg/m2)20.5 (19.35–23.96)21.7 (19.2–24.61)NS
TSH (μU/mL)1.23 (0.48–2.3)1.56 (0.7–2.99)NS
Free T4 (ng/mL)1.36 (1.1–1.39)1.26 (0.76–1.62)NS
Free T3 (pg/mL)2.26 (1.75–3.96)2.86 (2.63–4.51)NS
TPO-Ab (IU/mL)0.5 (0.36–2.51)625.6 (132.4–768)<0.0001
TG-Ab (IU/mL)0.4 (0.23–1.91)318.3 (145.8–437)<0.0001
Glucose (mg/dL)79.56 (72.35–85.01)83.01 (73.56–88.05)NS
Insulin (mU/mL)4.25 (3–11.2)3.89 (3–10.9)NS
HOMA-IR0.89 (0.53–2.41)0.8 (0.51–2.39)NS
Witamin 25-OH D3 (ng/mL)47 (32–51.1)42.98 (30–50)NS
TG (mg/dL)52 (39–79.56)49 (36–85.21)NS
CRP mg/L0.4 (0.2–0.8)0.63 (0.23–0.92)NS
HT duration (years)05.8 (3.8–8.3)<0.0001
Thyroid gland’s nodulesNDND
NO UWS (μmol/mg protein)0.15 (0.01-0.08)0.26 (0.02–0.56)0.0011
NO plasma (μmol/mg protein)0.09 (0.014- 0.19)0.08 (0.016–0.24)0.9082