Research Article

Cytokine/Chemokine/Growth Factor Profiles Contribute to Understanding the Pathogenesis of the Salivary Gland Dysfunction in Euthyroid Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis Patients

Table 6

Statistically significant correlations in the study group (TG-Ab: thyroid peroxidase antibody; UWS: unstimulated saliva; IL-1α: interleukin 1α; IL-6: interleukin 6; IL-12: interleukin 12; INF-γ: interferon γ; CODS: Clinical Oral Dryness Score, NO: nitric oxide; IL-12 (p40): interleukin 12 (p40); TG-A: thyroid peroxidase antibody).

Pairs of variables

TPO-Ab and UWS flow-0.865<0.0001
IL-6 and UWS flow-0.951<0.0001
IL-1α and UWS flow-0.864<0.0001
CODS and UWS flow-0.885<0.0001
CODS and duration of Hashimoto’s disease0.751<0.0001
IFN-γ and CODS0.4880.013
IL-12 and NO0.723<0.0001
INF-γ and NO0.4420.027
IL-12 (p40) UWS and plasma TG-A0.5570.004