Research Article

Omega-3 Supplementation Prevents Short-Term High-Fat Diet Effects on the α7 Nicotinic Cholinergic Receptor Expression and Inflammatory Response

Figure 3

Inflammatory and anti-inflammatory markers in BMC after HFD and LPS challenge. mRNA transcript levels in bone marrow of CX3CL1 (SC-LPS, ; HFD-LPS, ) (a), CXCL12 (SC-LPS, ; HFD-LPS, ) (b), CCL2 (SC-LPS, ; HFD-LPS, ) (c), TNFα (SC-LPS, ; HFD-LPS, ) (d), Arg1 (SC-LPS, ; HFD-LPS, ) (e), and Chil3 (SC-LPS, ; HFD-LPS, ) (f) of mice fed a standard chow (SC) or 60% HFD (HFD) for 3 days and injected intraperitoneally with LPS (12 mg/kg). The expression of control (GAPDH and β-actin) is shown as percentages (). Student’s -test analysis was used .