Research Article

Elevated Levels of IL-27 Are Associated with Disease Activity in Patients with Crohn’s Disease

Figure 6

Circulating Th1 cells in healthy control subjects, all CD patients, CDR patients, and CDA patients and their relationship with serum IL-27 levels. (a) Representative dot plots of IFN-γ expression in peripheral CD4+ T cells (gate CD3+CD8- T cells) of HC subjects, all CD patients, CDR, and CDA. (b) Scatter plot showing the proportion of circulating Th1 cells and the results of statistical analysis by using the nonparametric Mann–Whitney rank test. (c) Correlation of serum IL-27 levels with circulating Th1 cells. Spearman’s rank correlation test was used to assess the correlations. CD: Crohn’s disease; CDR: CD patients in remission; CDA: CD patients in activity.