Research Article

Effect of Oral Administration with Lactobacillus plantarum CAM6 Strain on Sows during Gestation-Lactation and the Derived Impact on Their Progeny Performance

Table 1

Ingredients for sows in pregnancy and lactation and suckling piglets.

Ingredients (%)PregnancyLactationPrestarter

Wheat bran30.004.00
Soybean oil3.002.00
Gestation nucleus14.00
Lactation nucleus24.00
Prestarter nucleus340.00

1Gestation nucleus per kg of product: folic acid 39 mg; pantothenic acid 300 mg; biotin 5 mg; Ca 175500 mg; Co 5 mg; Cu 250 mg; choline 10520 mg; Fe 2150 mg; P 12000 mg; I 25 mg; Mn 1,250 mg; niacin 800 mg; Se 9 mg; Na 48,000 mg; vit. A 250000; vit. B1 60 mg; vit. B12 600 mcg; vit. B2 150 mg; vit. B6 80 mg; vit. C 1250 mg; vit. D3 50000 IU; vit. E 1250 mg; vit. K3 100 mg; and Zn 3125 mg. 2Lactation nucleus per kg of product: folic acid 37.5 mg; pantothenic acid 300 mg; BHT 3,750 mg; biotin 5 mg; Ca 205000 mg; Co 6 mg; Cu 250; choline 10000 mg; Fe 2000 mg; P 51000 mg; I 25 mg; Mn 1250 mg; niacin 800 mg; Se 9 mg; Na 44000 mg; vit. A 250000 IU; vit. B1 60 mg; vit. B12 600 mcg; vit. B2 150 mg; vit. B6 80 mg; vit. C 1250 mg; vit. D3 50000 IU; vit. E 1250 mg; vit. K3 100 mg; and Zn 3125 mg. 3Pre-starter nucleus: whey powder, milk powder, skim milk powder, choline, extruded soybeans, corn, sugar, fumaric acid, vegetable oil, dicalcium phosphate, threonine, tryptophan, calcite, mineral premix, L-lysine, vitamin premix, sodium chloride, DL-methionine, butyl-hydroxytoluene (BHT); levels per kg of product: vit. A 360,000 IU; vit. D3 7,500 IU; vit. E 450 mg; vit. K3 18 mg; B1 12 mg; B2 29.5 mg; B6 13.5 mg; vit. B12 0.01 mg; niacin 118 mg; pantothenic acid 47.5 mg; folic acid 3.25 mg; biotin 0.75 mg; vit. C 300 mg; choline 1,800 mg; Fe 875 mg; Cu 625 mg; Mn 180 mg; Zn 625 mg; and Co 3.25 mg.