Research Article

MMP-9 Concentration in Peritoneal Fluid Is a Valuable Biomarker Associated with Endotoxemia in Equine Colic

Table 2

Species, limits of detection, and detection ranges of ELISA kits used for quantification of matrix-metalloproteinase (MMP), tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMP), interleukin (IL)-1β, and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) concentration in equine plasma and peritoneal fluid. Details on manufacturers are given in the footnotes.

ParameterSpeciesLimit of detectionDetection range

MMP-2aHorse0.56 ng/ml1.56–100 ng/ml
MMP-8bHorse18 pg/ml93–6000 pg/ml
MMP-9cHorse0.25 ng/ml0.5–24 ng/ml
TIMP-1dHorse0.241 ng/ml0.625–40 ng/ml
TIMP-2eHorse3.1 ng/ml7.8–500 ng/ml
IL-1βfHorse5.7 pg/ml15.6–1000 pg/ml
TNF-αgHorse2.9 pg/ml7.8–500 pg/ml