Research Article

Inverse Agonist of Retinoid-Related Orphan Receptor-Alpha Prevents Apoptosis and Degeneration in Nucleus Pulposus Cells via Upregulation of YAP

Figure 6

The anticatabolism and proanabolism effect of SR3335 is mediated by interaction with RORα. (a) The expression of RORα protein after being transfected with RORA overexpression or sh-RORA lentivirus was measured with western blot. (b) The NP cells were transfected with sh-RORA lentivirus and 1 μM of SR3335. The protein level of COL2A1, MMP13, and ADAMTS4 was assayed by western blot and quantification. (c) The NP cells were transfected with RORA overexpression lentivirus and 1 μM of SR3335. The protein level of COL2A1, MMP13, and ADAMTS4 was assayed by western blot and quantification. All experiments were repeated three times.