Research Article

Heightened Local Th17 Cell Inflammation Is Associated with Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children under the Age of 1 Year

Figure 3

Volcano plots showing significance and fold changes of inflammatory cytokines. The -axis shows log2 FCs in median BAL vs. plasma cytokine levels (a), median cytokine levels in plasma in the severe (S) vs. nonsevere (NS) group (b), and median cytokine levels in BAL in the S vs. NS group (c). The -axis shows the log10 value of cytokine levels being statistically compared. values were calculated using Wilcoxon’s (a) or the Mann–Whitney (b, c) test; , , , . Grey area represents no significant change () or within 2 log FC. Th17 cell-related cytokines are highlighted in red.