Research Article

Heightened Local Th17 Cell Inflammation Is Associated with Severe Community-Acquired Pneumonia in Children under the Age of 1 Year

Table 1

Demographic and clinical characteristics of collected patients, median (interquartile range, 25%-75%).

ParametersAll ()Severe (, 33.9%)Nonsevere (, 66.1%) value

 Age (month)8 (5-10)8 (5-10)7.5 (5-10)0.7666a
 Sex (M), (%)46 (74.2%)15 (71.4%)31 (75.6%)0.7648a
Sign and symptoms
 Fever, No. (%)28 (45.2%)16 (76.2%)12 (29.3%)0.0010a
 Cough, No. (%)57 (91.9%)20 (95.2%)37 (90.2%)0.6541a
 Wheezing, No. (%)31 (50.0%)18 (85.7%)13 (31.7%)0.0001a
 Dyspnea, No. (%)21 (33.9%)17 (81.0%)4 (9.8%)<0.0001a
 Change in level of consciousness, No. (%)8 (12.9%)8 (38.1%)0 (0.0%)<0.0001a
 Digestive symptoms, No. (%)10 (16.1%)7 (33.3%)3 (7.3%)0.0236a
Laboratory findingsc
 Leukocytes (× 109/l; normal range 5–12)10.7 (8.4-14.3)9.6 (7.5-14.9)11.2 (9.4-13.6)0.4525a
 Neutrophils (× 109/l; normal range 2.0-7.2)3.6 (2.3-6.1)5.4 (3.5-7.9)3.1 (2.0-4.6)0.0347a
 Hemoglobin (g/l; normal range 105-145)113 (103-123)101 (92-110)118 (107-125)<0.0001a
 Platelets (× 109/l; normal range 140–440)390 (310-463)335 (279-419.5)403 (318-503)0.0261a
 ALT (U/l; normal range 9–50)22 (18.5-35)21.5 (19-33.5)27 (13-49)0.6401a
 LDH (U/l; normal range 159–322)359 (316-501)369.5 (336-674.5)309 (293-356)0.0224a
 PCT (ng/ml; normal range <0.1)0.10 (0.05-0.22)0.21 (0.04-1.33)0.09 (0.04-0.18)0.2106a
 CRP (mg/l; normal range 0.0–6.0)14.2 (1.3-36.1)15.7 (1.7-36.2)4.9 (1.8-34.4)0.6344a
 Single virus19 (30.6%)7 (33.3%)12 (28.6%)0.7767b
 Single bacteria13 (21.0%)1 (4.8%)12 (28.6%)0.0445b
 Mixed bacteria-virus12 (19.4%)9 (42.8%)3 (7.1%)0.0016b
 Others/undetected18 (29.0%)4 (19.0%)16 (38.1%)0.1541b
 Antibiotics, No. (%)35 (56.5%)17 (81.0%)18 (43.9%)0.0069b
 Systemic corticosteroid, No. (%)6 (9.7%)6 (28.6%)0 (0.0%)0.0009b
 Length of stay (days)9 (4-39)11 (8.5-18)8 (6-10)< 0.0001b
 Mortality, No. (%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)0 (0.0%)>0.9999b

a value calculated by Mann-Whitney test. b value calculated by chi-square test. cThe data of laboratory findings were collected from patients with acute exacerbation.