Research Article

NRF2 Exerts Anti-Inflammatory Effects in LPS-Induced gEECs by Inhibiting the Activation of the NF-κB

Figure 6

LPS-induced NRF2 expression and nuclear abundance of NRF2 depended on TNF-α. Control and TNF-α overexpression (p-CMV- TNF-α) gEECs were exposed to 50 μmol/L PDTC and 8 μg/mL LPS for 12 hours. (a) RT-qPCR analysis was used to detect the expression of TNF-α mRNA. Data shown are , ns was , and was vs. solvent group. value was calculated by the one-way ANOVA with Tukey’s test as a posthoc test. (b) Immunoblotting was used to detect the expression of TNF-α and (c) NRF2 expression, and we harvested nuclear and cytoplasmic total proteins separately to detect the expression of NRF2 protein; so, the sum of NRF2 expression in nucleus and cytoplasm is the expression level in total cells. Data shown are , was , and was vs. solvent group, ### was vs. vector group, $$ was , and $$$ was vs. p-CMV-TNF-α group. value was calculated by Student’s -test. (d) The dynamic changes of cytoplasmic and nuclear NRF2 were imaged by immunofluorensent staining. Scale bar was 45 μm.