Research Article

Predictive Role of IL-2R and IL-10 in the Anti-inflammatory Response and Antiplatelet Therapy of Kawasaki Disease: A Retrospective Study

Table 1

Clinical and biochemical characteristics of the Kawasaki disease children.

CharacteristicsValue value

Patients, 64
Sex (male), (%)41 (64)0.31a
Age, years3.21 (1.25-4.75)
Body weight, kg15.75 (11.00-18.11)
NLR before IVIG (<5.0)b2.97 (1.74-5.65)
NLR after IVIG (<5.0)b0.64 (0.36-1.19)
Percentage of CD19+ B cells before IVIG (NR, 6.8-15.8%)25.46 (20.91-37.40)<0.05
Percentage of CD8+ T cells before IVIG (NR, 18.2-32.8%)<0.01
Levels of IL-10 before IVIG, pg/ml (<9.1)13.30 (6.02-38.88)
Levels of IL-10 after IVIG, pg/ml (<9.1)4.9 (4.9-5.21)
Extent of decreased IL-10, pg/ml6.80 (1.01-33.98)
Levels of IL-2R before IVIG, U/ml (223-710)1705.50 (1109.00-2923.75)<0.001
Levels of IL-2R after IVIG, U/ml (223-710)1337.00 (881.25-1870.0)<0.001
Extent of decreased IL-2R, U/ml455.0 (130.75-1053.25)

aCompared with the data reported in the 2020JCS guide [1]. best according to the study published [14]. Data are presented as the , number, or median (QL-QU). CD: cluster of differentiation; IL: interleukin; IVIG: intravenous immunoglobulin; NR: normal range; NLR: neutrophil lymphocyte ratio.