Research Article

Hepatoprotective Role of 4-Octyl Itaconate in Concanavalin A-Induced Autoimmune Hepatitis

Figure 1

OI attenuated Con A-induced hepatic damage in mice. (a) Representative hepatic micrographs in control group, OI group (100 mg/kg), Con A group (20 mg/kg), low-dose OI group (OI: 50 mg/kg+Con A: 20 mg/kg), and Con A+OI group (OI: 100 mg/kg+Con A: 20 mg/kg). Then, we evaluated the (b) necrotic area, serum activities of (c) ALT and (d) AST, and (e) ALT/AST ratio of each group. Data are expressed as (). # vs. Con A group.