Research Article

Extracellular Cardiolipin Modulates Select Immune Functions of Astrocytes in Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) 4-Dependent Manner

Figure 2

The effect of CL on the phagocytic activity of U118 MG astrocytic cells (a) and primary murine astrocytes (b, c). CL (20 μg/ml) or its vehicle solution was added to U118 MG cells or primary murine astrocyte cultures for 48 h, followed by incubation with fluorescent latex beads (a, b) or synaptosomes (c). The fluorescence intensities of 99-369 randomly selected cells () from four independent experiments performed on different days are presented as corrected total cell fluorescence. The selection of cells and analysis of fluorescence were performed in a blinded manner. and according to the unpaired Student’s -test. Representative confocal images confirming the uptake of FITC-labeled latex beads (d) and CellBrite™ Fix 640-labeled synaptosomes (e) by GFAP-positive primary murine astrocytes are shown; the scale bar represents 25 μm.